

发布时间: 2024-05-11 17:01:59北京青年报社官方账号



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As a firm supporter of multilateralism, China won wide recognition at the forum for its efforts to adhere to peaceful development, use sustainable development as its national strategy and benefit the world through its own development, especially the Belt and Road Initiative.


As an old Chinese saying goes, a commitment, once made, should be delivered. Boosting development in the Asia-Pacific requires real actions by all of us members. As the world's second largest economy, China knows fully well its responsibility. Over the past five years, we have taken proactive steps to adapt to, manage and steer the new normal of China's economy and deepened supply-side structural reform. As a result, China's economy has maintained steady performance, and we are pursuing better-quality, more efficient, fairer and more sustainable development. Over the past four years, China's economy has grown by 7.2% on the average annually, contributing over 30% of global growth. China is now a main driver powering global growth.


As a participant, propellent and beneficiary of globalization, China is moving closer to the center of the world economic arena and remains the largest engine of world economic growth, said Hu.


As a major city and a transport hub in Central China, Wuhan faces higher risks of importing COVID-19 cases, Wang said, adding that targeted plans and measures should be formulated to prevent a possible rebound of infections.


As competitors crumble under the pressure to keep up in the age of online retail, Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos had a message for employees who think the fate of Sears or Toys ‘R’ Us couldn’t befall the tech giant:?“Amazon is not too big to fail.”


